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Tips You Can Do For Weatherizing Your Home this Autumn and Winter

Did you know that you can save hundreds of dollars each winter on your heating bills with some easy home projects. This is by simply weatherizing your home. Most of it can actually be done one afternoon with simple supplies from a local hardware store.

What is Weatherizing

First let us answer the simple question. What is weatherizing? Weatherization is sometimes called weatherproofing. It is just protecting a building and its interior from the outside elements. These elements range from sunlight, hot or cold temperatures, precipitation, and wind. Weatherizing is also used to describe modifying a building to optimize energy efficiency.

See Also: Keeping Your Energy Bill Down in the Winter


1. Apply caulk around the outside edges of the window casing.
2. If you have storm windows, use them.
3. A plastic window film can be a less expensive route if you don’t have storm windows.
4. Another option is window glazing. It is used around the window where the glass meets the edge of the frame. It can be installed using a putty knife.
5. If you have double hung windows, use weather stripping around the tracks to secure a tight seal.
6. Since you are not likely to open your windows during the cold winter months, a rope caulk is a great tool to seal in windows for a short duration. Do not use permanent caulk as you may need to open a window in an emergency.
7. Drapes and curtains offer a great protection for insulation. Just remember to keep the curtains open on sunny days to allow heat into your home.

See Also: Do Windows Impact House Temperature


1. Apply caulk to the outside edges of the door’s casing.
2. Install weather stripping to the inside of the door jam. Weather stripping comes in all sizes depending on how much you need. An easy way of seeing if you have obvious cracks around a door is to see if any light gets through in the evening.
3. If your door has a window follow the directions above for window treatments.
4. Replace the threshold under the door with a flexible gasket. This will ensure a tight fit.
5. It the door is still leaking air then a removable door sweep can be used. Don’t have a door sweep? Roll up a towel and line it up to the threshold.
6. If you have a door you don’t use during the winter you can also use rope caulk to seal it shut.

See Also: Upgrading Exterior Doors for Energy Efficiency

Wall Outlets

1. If your wall outlets don’t fit properly you may be losing your nice conditioned air to the outside faster than you think.
2. Outlet covers on exterior walls are especially prone to air loss.
3. There are foam gaskets on the market for outlets. This will help to insulate these trouble areas.
4. Childproof covers to outlets also help to insulate. Count how many wall outlets are in your home. They may not be large holes but once you realize how many are ever present you can image that much air leaving your home day and night.

See Also: Taking Care of Your Home’s Crawl Space


An attic door is usually not a well insulated door. There are many options to insulating it, though.
1. A door hood can be used to cover the door from the inside of the attic. These are often sealed with zippers or Velcro for easy access.
2. Weather stripping the edges of the opening will also give you a tighter seal through the door.
3. If the door itself is only a piece of wood, apply and piece of insulation to the back. This can help with heat leaving or entering through the thin wood.

See Also: Autumn Energy Saving Tips

Fire Places

1. If you don’t use a fireplace then insulate the chimney and seal the doors shut.
2. Keep the damper closed when not in us.
3. If you don’t have door on your fireplace, consider getting glass ones that have a tight seal. This will allow you to still see your fire without losing the air day and night through the opening.

See Also: Fall Home Maintenance

Exterior Weatherizing

Do you know what a rim joist is? It is the thick wooden board that site on top of the concrete foundation and connects to the floor joists. While walking around caulking your windows and doors from the outside, make sure to pay attention to this are, too. Also keep in mind any spigots, hoses, vents, pipes or electrical outlets leaving the exterior walls of your home or business. If you find a crack that caulk wont fit, use some expandable foam. A small amount goes a long way. Keep in mind that too much can actually cause damage to surrounding materials. Do not use expandable foam around electrical equipment. This could cause more problems for you.

See Also: Adding Value to Your Home by Enhancing Comfort and Efficiency

Have an Energy Assessment Done

How do you go about choosing an auditor? There are many services out there. Check with your energy or gas company for their recommendations. The Better Business Bureau is also a great asset.
1. This can save you up to 30% off of your energy bill each month.
2. An energy assessment will help to determine where you are losing the most energy in your home and how to prevent any future problems.
3. They consider your past bills to see when loss is at its highest.
4. An auditor will consider how many people live in the home, who is home when, if there are any unused rooms in the home, and what is the average temperature of the home each season.

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