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Heating Fun Facts

Did you know? Radiant Heat- The First In-Home Heating System Early radiant heating systems were developed in the Middle East and Asia. As far back as 1300 BC, an underfloor heating system was installed in the palace of King Arzawa…

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4 Common HVAC Myths Busted!

In the HVAC industry, we hear a lot of misinformation getting passed around as fact. These HVAC myths can lead to inefficiency, decreased comfort, and even equipment breakdowns. Let’s take a look at some of the common HVAC myths and…

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a person standing in front of a brick wall

Fall Back Into a Cleaner Home This Autumn

Fall Back Into a Cleaner Home This Autumn It’s still warm outside but the days are getting shorter and with that, cooler. Autumn is upon us and the inside of your home is not the only thing that could benefit…

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Stay Safe When Using Electric Space Heaters

    Are your feet freezing under your desk at the office? Or does one room of your home always have a chill? In these kind of situations, many workers and homeowners consider using portable electric space heaters. After all,…

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New Home? Get to know your HVAC. Any time you buy a new home, there’s so much to learn. Where’s the electrical box? Which switch turns on the kitchen light and which one turns on the disposal? Just how long can you shower before the hot…

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