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How do you Pay for a New HVAC

If the time has come to replace your HVAC system, but you can’t afford to pay the entire cost up-front, don’t panic. There are several options available for financing a new system. Consider the pros and cons of each to…

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What is an Energy Star Rating

The little blue Energy Star logo has become a common sight on all kinds of appliances and products, including washing machines, hot water heaters, televisions, and light bulbs. Today, it’s also found on air conditioners, heat pumps, and furnaces. But…

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How Important is Regular Maintenance

This is one HVAC-related question that actually has a simple answer. That answer is YES! It’s best to have your system serviced twice a year. Once in the spring before you turn on your air conditioning and in the fall…

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Is my HVAC unit too Noisy?

If you’ve been looking into getting a new heating and air conditioning system, you may have been surprised to see noise ratings included in the specifications for different HVAC units. But that information is more important than you might think.…

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Should you set your Fan to Auto or On

Before we can answer the question of whether you should set your air conditioner’s fan to Auto or On, we first need to clarify what each of those settings does. If your fan is set to On, that means the…

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What Kind of Heat Should I Use

When installing a new HVAC system, you have a lot of decisions to make. One of the first decisions is what kind of heat to use. Here in the Tennessee Valley, two of the most common options for home heating…

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a little girl in a pink shirt

Keep Allergens out of Your Home

It’s that time of year. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and the pollen counts are sky-high. You can’t reduce the amount of pollen outside, but you can make this season a little less sneezy by cleaning up…

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Is it Bad to Switch between Heat and Air

Here in the Tennessee Valley, we get all four seasons…sometimes in the same week! When it’s 25F on Monday and 80F on Wednesday and back in the thirties by Friday, it may seem like you’re doomed to either freeze or…

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What is the difference between HVAC and AC

HVAC and AC are two acronyms we use frequently on this website, so let’s take second to talk about what they mean. First off, HVAC stands for “Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning,” while AC stands for just the last part:…

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