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Is Your Home Ready for Summer?

  For your convenience you can listen to the article here: When you walk outside and immediately begin sweating, you know that summer has arrived in the Tennessee Valley! Summer is a time for fun and family—at the beach, around…

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Get an Estimate Now so You can Start to Prepare

Replacing an HVAC system is a big investment, so it can be tempting to wait until your current HVAC breaks down completely before purchasing a new one. However, this approach has several drawbacks for both your comfort and your wallet.…

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Why you Need a Duct Pressure Test

  Whenever new ductwork is installed, it’s important to not only seal that ductwork, but also to test it. A duct pressure test, also known as a leakage test, checks that the ducts have been sealed effectively. This is important…

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LED Light Bulbs and the Impact on Your HVAC

We often talk about ways that energy efficient HVAC systems can save you money. Did you know that replacing your old light bulbs with newer, energy-efficient types can make a significant impact on your monthly energy bills? According to the…

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Remodeling a Home can Cause HVAC Damage

  When you’re renovating your home, there are so many things to keep track of. It can be easy to overlook a renovation’s potential effects on your HVAC system. However, there are things you can do before, during, and after…

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Is a Bigger HVAC System Better

When you’re purchasing a new HVAC system for your home, you may be tempted to buy the largest residential unit available. After all, it would seem like a larger unit would be better because it could heat or cool your…

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How to Get the Most Benefit from your Fan

A ceiling fan can help you stay more comfortable and even save money on your energy bills. To get the most benefit from your fan, you have to make sure it’s turning in the right direction for the season. Direction…

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a small boat in a body of water

How do you deal with a Wet Basement

  High humidity and mold can be problems in any home, but homes with full or partial basements are particularly susceptible. Water in the soil can seep through the underground walls, creating perfect conditions for mold growth and even causing…

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a room with wooden floors and a large window

Do Windows Impact House Temperature?

  The number, placement, and type of windows on a home can have a major effect on the temperature inside of it. There’s not much you can do about the number or placement of windows on an existing home without…

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